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Stopping the Silent Epidemic: Workplace Bullying in IL

(Undated) -- While bullying is typically considered a school-yard problem, there are millions of American adults who say they've been victims of bullying on the job. According to a 2014 national survey from the Workplace Bullying Institute, 27 percent of workers report being bullied by a co-worker or boss. Director Gary Namie says these victims face threats, humiliation, work sabotage and verbal abuse. He calls it a "silent epidemic" that typically occurs behind closed doors. Illinois Senate Bill 2943, introduced early this year by Senator Ira Silverstein, would require employers to establish a workplace bullying policy. Namie says it's a good step, but doesn't think the bill goes far enough because it doesn't hold employers liable in bullying cases. The bill is currently in the Labor and Commerce Committee. An estimated 65 million Americans are affected by workplace bullying.

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