Police News 09-17-14
Teen Charged With Retail Theft
(Canton, IL) -- A Canton teen is facing charges after allegedly taking items from a business located on South Main Street in Canton. Canton police say they were dispatched to the Circle K BP Gas Station located at 405 South Main late Sunday afternoon at about 5:45 on a retail theft complaint. Officers say they met with an employee of the store who told them that a female had taken to pregnancy test kits from the store without paying for them. The teen was identified as a 17-year old Canton female. She was then arrested and taken to the Canton Police Department where she was processed on a retail theft charge. After being given a juvenile intake referral, the teen was then released to the custody of her mother.
Home Invasion Suspects Indicted By Peoria Grand Jury
(Peoria, IL) -- The three men arrested in connection with a home invasion that took place recently, were indicted by a Peoria County Grand Jury on Tuesday. 21-year old Eric Sullvan, Jr., 19-year old Austin Clark and 18-year old Michael Walder, all of Peoria, have been charged with armed violence and residential burglary for the incident that happened in Norwood in August. Bond for Clark was set at $150,000. Sullivan and Walder each have $125,000 bonds. The three men are due in Peoria County Circuit Court on Thursday to answer the indictments.
Peoria Man Pleads Guilty To Heroin Conspiracy
(Peoria, IL) -- A Peoria man is awaiting sentencing early next year after pleading guilty for his part in a drug operation in Tazewell and Peoria counties. Federal prosecutors say 23-year-old Diondre Harris confessed Monday to a heroin conspiracy charge and can face up to 40 years behind bars. He is accused of teaming up with four others who conspired to distribute more than one-thousand grams of heroin from May 2010 until now. Harris is set for sentencing January 13th.
Attack At Pekin Bar Under Investigation
(Pekin, IL) -- Authorities in Pekin are looking into an attack that occurred at a bar in Pekin. Authorities say that three men entered the Instant Replay Sports Bar with beers they had with them. When advised they could not do that by the bartender, two of the three men left. One of the men stayed and argued with the bartender. A woman who was sitting at the bar, then told the man to leave. That is when the man that stayed allegedly struck the woman in the face and knocked her to the floor. Other men then entered the bar and allegedly kicked her while she was on the ground. Police say that two men were arrested. Abel Ortega has been charged with aggravated battery, while Tyler Flynn is facing several charges that include aggravated battery, resisting arrest and possession of cannabis. A third man, Micholas Mercer was charged with disorderly conduct. The woman was taken to the hospital to be treated for heard injuries that authorities say are non-life threatening.
Murder Suspect Transferred To Jail
(Brookport, IL) -- The Mayfield, Kentucky mom and son who were allegedly killed by an Illinois man are being laid to rest today. Funeral services for 34-year-old Kim Thomas and 17-year-old Michael Mohney will be held at 2 p.m. at His House Ministries in Mayfield. Police say Thomas's ex-boyfriend, Terry Froman, from Brookport, shot and killed Mohney last Friday then kidnapped Thomas and fled the state. Police caught up with him near Cincinnati, Ohio and found Thomas's body in the back seat of the vehicle. Froman allegedly tried to kill himself but survived a gunshot wound.