Lewistown Accepting Entries For 3rd Annual Scarecrow Contest
(Lewistown, IL) -- The City of Lewistown is accepting entries for their 3rd annual Scarecrow contest. The deadline for accepting those entries is set for October 1st. Officials putting on the scarecrow contest are hoping to fill Main Street. Two years ago there were 32 entries in the contest. The scarecrows will be displayed on the poles along Main Street during the Spoon River Scenic Drive. Judging will take some time before December 16th. The Grand Prize for this year will be $200 if they have over 20 scarecrows. Entries will be scored on creativity, durability, scariness, originality and general appearance. The city does ask that they be taken down by October 18th. Entry forms must be accompanied by a registration form that can be picked up at Lewistown City Hall. The registration fee on the form has been waived.