Two SRC Board of Trustees Positions Up For Election Next Spring
(Canton, IL) -- Two positions on the Spoon River College Board of Trustees will be filled in the consolidated election that is sche3duled for April of next year. Both positions are for a six-year term on the College Board commencing April of 2015 through April of 2021. The positions are currently held by Betty Taylor of Canton and Linda Butler of Rushville. Filing dates for candidacy will be Monday, December 15th through Friday, December 22nd from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. All candidates wishing to file petitions must either mail or submit in person to the Canton campus. Petitions will not be accepted for filing at the Macomb campus or the Havana and Rushville centers. On the first day of filing at Spoon River College, on December 15th, petitions will be received in the Cabinet Room, Administrative Foyer, Centers Building at the Canton campus. On the other days of filing, petitions may be filed in the Human Resources Offic3es, Centers Building, Room C110 at the Canton campus. Information is available by calling 1-309-647-6232.