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Report Shines New Light on LGBT Youth Homelessness in IL

(Undated) -- Voices are being raised about the need to break down the barriers in Illinois that keep many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people living on the streets. A new report details the results of the Chicago 2014 Homeless Summit in May, when over 300 youth, activists and community leaders brainstormed solutions to address L-G-B-T homelessness. Among the many findings was the need for housing, both emergency and permanent. Youth organizer Breezy Connor says L-G-B-T youth often have trouble finding safe, accepting places to stay. Connor says they also talked about creating storage places for homeless youth so they can keep their personal property safe as they go from shelter to shelter, or from work to school. The group agreed on the need for improving access to medical, educational and job training opportunities, and legal services that assist with emancipation, eviction, and other issues.

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