Cash Mob Takes Place In Canton
(Canton, IL) -- Several members of the Canton Area Chamber of Commerce Business and Community Development committee participated in a trial run of Canton's Cash Mob event at Near the Hearth Bakery recently. The members didn't know which business they would be "mobbing" until they arrived for the event. Cash Mobs have swept across the country and are designed to support local businesses. Cash Mobs meet on a particular day with each participant agreeing to spend a specified amount of money in the business. Brenda Carper, owner of the bakery, commented that "if every day were like that she could open a chain". The next Cash Mob event is scheduled for Friday, May 30th at 5 p.m. The event is open to any individual, group or organization wishing to participate. For more information about Cash Mobs or to participate in the next event, contact the Canton Area Chamber of Commerce by calling 1-309-647-2677.