Astoria High School Holding Community Blood Drive Later This Month
(Astoria, IL) -- Astoria High School is hosting a Community Blood Drive that will be taking place next week. The Blood Drive will take place at Astoria High School inside the gym. It will be on Tuesday, September 30th from 9 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon. To donate, contact Gary Bastien by calling 1-309-329-2156 or you can visit the website: and use the code 1014 to locate the dive. Potential donors must be at least 17-years of age or 16 with parental permission. The parental permission form can be found on the website at You must weigh over 110, have a photo ID or have a Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Donor Card. If you have questions about eligibility call the MVRBC at 1-800-747-5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before August 5th of this year are eligible to give at this drive.