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CDC: Risky Teen Behavior Shifts

(Undated) -- Less cigarette smoking, soda drinking and physical fighting, but more time at computers and other tech devices. That’s the snapshot from the new C-D-C National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The government goal of reducing teen smoking nationally to less than 16 percent has been met, but C-D-C Director Tom Frieden notes that it’s a fragile victory at 15-point-seven percent – and it comes with a rise in popularity of e-cigarettes, smoking pens and electronic hookahs. The Illinois rate of smoking in the survey is slightly lower, 14-point-1 percent. Frieden's other concerns: Condom use has become less common, and most teens are still not eating a balanced diet. While most young people are spending fewer hours watching television, they’ve replaced most of that time with time spent before a computer beyond school reasons.

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